AliceAnne Frost, York Tec Centro, Rotary Club of York, PA, Meeting 3/6/2024
AliceAnne Frost, Executive Director of York Tec Centro, discusses workforce training and development in York County and beyond. AliceAnne demonstrates how the issue of workforce development in York County impacts the whole community, from individuals to businesses, and why we must work together to create opportunities for better employment.
In 2023, AliceAnne became the Executive Director of York Tec Centro, a member of the Tec Centro Workforce Network, comprised of locations in Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon, York, and soon-to-be Dauphin Counties.
The collective goal of the Network is to establish community-based bilingual workforce centers to serve populations that are disproportionately disadvantaged. She shares the latest information on workforce development in York, and specifically the efforts taking place through York Tec Centro, highlights the current needs of the community, and plans for addressing those needs through York Tec Centro’s model.