Happenings in York PA
Paul Thompson,7390 District Governor, Rotary Club of York, PA, Meeting 9/4/2024
District 7390 District Governor Paul Thompson speaks about the relevance of Rotary to the Individual, the Club, the Community, the Nation, and the World, and the Role of Rotary in the World of 2030! He explains how this directly impacts every aspect of the purpose, function, and mission of The Rotary Club of York!
He has served as President of the Hershey Rotary Club, a member of the District Global Grant Scholarship Committee, and has been extensively involved with the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. 
Dr. Michele Devlin, Climate Change Migration, Rotary Club of York, PA, Meeting  9/18,2024
HYBRID MEETING - CCY & Virtual Meeting on Zoom
To attend the VIRTUAL meeting on ZOOM for 09/18, please register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdOitqjMvGNXZbA-SYMDmxxS9OV7-itJj
Dr. Michele Devlin, Professor of Environmental Security at the US Army War College in Carlisle. focuses on the rapidly increasing challenge of human climate migration and environmental displacement.
A Doctor of Public Health, Registered Nurse, and Emergency Medical Technician, her specialty areas include disaster relief and emergency response, climate migration, and extreme remote regions such as the Arctic and Antarctica. 
Dr. Devlin has been providing consulting and training to the military, law enforcement, medical workers, and other first responders for over three decades. 
LUNCH TO INCLUDE: Beef Pot Pie, Chef's Choice of Starch, Fresh Fruit, Salad, Rolls, Beverages, and a Choice of Desserts
TIME - In Person at CCY
11:30am  Arrival and fellowship, Lunch
12:15pm  President Courtney will begin meeting
1:15pm    Meeting adjourned
TIME - "Virtual" Audience on ZOOM:
11:45am  Log in and fellowship/networking on Zoom
12:15pm  Virtual Meeting to begin. Program with Q&A until 1:15pm.      
Chief William Sleeger, York City Fire Department, Rotary Club of York, PA, Meeting 9/11/2024
York City Fire Department Chief William Sleeger, speaks about the 911 remembrance and City Fire Department plans for the upcoming National Fire Prevention month in October.  Chief Sleeger was born and raised in York City, a 32-year veteran with the York City Fire Department, and is a third-generation city firefighter.
Chief Sleeger has received many awards and commendations for heroism during his career, and is a life member with the Laurel Fire Company and a US Navy veteran.